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Through the eyes of a young girl suffering from mental illness, CALDERA glimpses into a world of psychosis and explores a world of ambiguous reality and the nature of life and death.




CALDERA is inspired by my father's struggle with schizoaffective disorder. In states of delusion, my father has danced on the rings of Saturn, spoken with angels, and fled from his demons. He has lived both a fantastical and haunting life, but one that's invisible to the most of us. In our differing understanding of reality, we blindly mandate his medication, assimilate him to our marginalizing culture, and entirely misinterpret him for all he is worth. CALDERA aims to not only venerate my father, but all brilliant minds forged in the haunted depths of psychosis.












What i felt after watching the video


This piece of art is simply amazing and beyond words and extra ordinary.


The girl is tired and fed up living fake life among lies and evil society which is nothing more than statues and walking corpses,she can see the reality which others can't see and feel the rotting life under all that advanced machine like life,she is a pure soul which longs for purity and truth which is the real reality,for her that world she lives in is a big lie and delusion,and the world which only she can see is the reality and truth, but she is alone because no one understands her or sees and feels what she can see and feel,the blind and cruel society has put the label of sickness on her without even trying to understand her real personality and self,in the end she decides to leave that world of fakeness and deception behind and go back to the pure world where she truly belongs, her soul departures from this world to the next and she is in peace at last.




I would like to add that there are many things in this world and universe which humans still didn't even discover or know does that mean if we don't know about something or havent seen it that it doesn't exist??? that is not the case, those things we don't know about are still there and exist, it's we who don't know them, and people tend to deny what they didn't see or their mind don't comprehend....just like this there are some special people and souls who are not like any other, they have the ability to see beyond the human eye and feel beyond the ordinary human sences, but it is very sad that society and people put the labels of sickness and disorders on them trying to burry those unique and rare abilities they possess and trying to make their gift look like madness and actions and words of a crazy person....and by doing this the society actually ignores their existanc and the mere thing which makes them special and different from everyone is time for everyone to understand that these people are not mental, sick or have any kind of disorders, they are just gifted people who can feel and see in such a depth that no one can even begin to where other peoples knowledge ends theirs just start.










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